Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Author : Bangert, Mark P.
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Bangert, Mark P.:   Toward a Well-Regulated Church Music. Bachian Prescriptions with Enduring Shelf Life. Dialog 24/2 (Spring 1985), 107-112
2. Bangert, Mark P.:   'This is my Blood of the New Testament'. The Institution of the Lord's Supper in Bach's Matthew Passion: An Exemplar for Hearing the Passion. [cr]Amsterdam1993 (1995), 215-232
3. Bangert, Mark P.:   The Fortunes of 'Festo Visitationis Mariae' in Lutheran Hands as Context of Cantatas BWV 10 and BWV 147. [p]QJSB_Stuttgart (Oct 1995)
4. Bangert, Mark P.:   Contemporary Contextualizing of the Cantatas for the Annunciation: Problems and Prospects. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997)
5. Bangert, Mark P.:   The Changing Fortunes of Festum Visitationis among Lutherans and Cantatas BWV 147 and BWV 10. [cr]Stuttgart1995 (1998), 401-416
6. Bangert, Mark P.:   Bach's Cantatas and the ordo missae: Then and Now [p]IATB_Logumkloster (Oct 1999)
7. Bangert, Mark P.:   The Nunc Dimittis in Cantatas of J. S. Bach: A Note of Death or a Note of Life? A Chapter in the History of Cantata Reception in the U.S.A. WolfenbüttelF 90 (2000), 223-235
8. Bangert, Mark P.:   The Meaning of the Great Three Days as Context for the Passions of Bach. [p]WAfB_Wolfenbüttel (Apr 2003)
9. Bangert, Mark P.:   The Meaning of the Great Three Days as Context for the Passions of Bach. WolfenbüttelArbBarockF 43 (2005), ii: 591-605

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita